Tuesday, March 31, 2009

End of Japanese Training 日本語の研修の終了日

Today March 31th, was the last day of Japanese Language (Nihongo) training. Today, 32 people of 2008 Toshiba Global Employees presented about our gains and feedback for this 5/6 months Nihongo training. The presentation was in Nihongo and everyone had to present for about 5 minutes... Such a a BIG task for me! Below is my script of my speech which showing my heart felt thanks and appreciations for teachers, our person in charge, trainers etc. Really really thanks a lot for these 5 months! (i will translate to English soon... now is time to zzZZzzz... )

photo with all Global Employees, teachers, our person incharge Seki san and Lorna san.... during the farewell party.

photo taken during my presentation... very nervous ne!!!

Tomorrow we will have our new program which called Coorporate Entry Program (CEP). It is for is compolsory for all this year new workers which included Japanese. Basically in Japan, most of the Japanese start their job together in April/May after graduated. We have been told that in a class there will be about 30 ppl and most of them are Japanese, only 1 or 2 are from us(global employees). this is the moment im waiting for!!! hope can meet handsome guy ne!! hahahaha... But talking with Japanese young people is different from talking with teachers or colleague, is it more "youngish"! the words used sometime will be totally different... so I guess it might be quite tough intially because seems like have to start all over AGAIN.... argghhhh.....

my script of speech... deeply thanks to my teachers that helped me corrected it!


しかし、いろいろな人のお陰で、今の生活は良くなりました。なぜかというと、美味しい食べ物だけじゃなくて、いろいろな体験もできるし、たくさん仲良しもいるし、先生たちも親身になって世話をしてくださるし、それに日本語のドラマもわかるようになって来ました。本当に嬉しいです。Firmanさんと同じ、堀北真希(Maki Horikita)が大好きです。




これからのCEPも一緒に頑張りましょう! ^^

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sakura at Mitsuike Park 三っ池公園での花見

"Hanami" (お花見)one of Japanese favourite activities during Spring. Hanami is a cherry blossoms(桜sakura) viewing party, while the people enjoy eating or drinking under cherry-blossoms tree.

Sakura indicates that... the spring is coming.
さくら...春の足音が聞こえてくるような。日本ではお花見が4月初旬 ...

My first Hanami, at Mitsuike Park 三っ池公園 (at Tsurumi ) which about 30min walk from my dormitory. Mitsuike Park is one of the Japan's top 100 cherry blossom spots ( http://www.walkerplus.com/hanami/kanto/kanagawa/S1401.html). It has about 1000 sakura tree. I was so astonished by the beauty of the park when i reached, because finally I found somewhere I can escape myself from hassle and bustle of city. :)

Anyway, today was a bit too early for viewing full-bloom of cherry blossoms. The sakura is just about to bloom... huhuhu... next week/ next next week will be the best timing to view the most beautiful Hanami!

Photo of Mitsuike Park.... which most of the trees are still waiting for blooming... I guess it wil be very beautiful if all the flowers be in bloom.

The only bloomed cherry-blossom(桜)... so lovely

This is plum-blossom (梅). we sit under the tree and had our 'picnic'...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Free Online Resources for Learning Janpanese 日本語勉強のツール

Hi guys, for those who are learning Japanese, I think these websites can help you out! 頑張ってね!^^
(1) Top 10 Online Resources for Learning Janpanese for Free recommended by Tofugu`s. Such as Japanese Dictionary, Rikaichan pop out translation, Livestation, Flash card and some more. Dont miss it! [Thanks for Tofugu`s]

(2) Watch Japanese Daily News with the script writen in the website. Listening to the news while reading the script is very useful to understand it. You can even choose the interesting topic/news that you like to watch.

(3) To watch online Japanese movie/drama... (if you dont mind to watch not-so-good quality movie.. :p)

(4) Translation of Japanese-English words or sentences.

For me, those websites are quite useful aided tools to brush up Japanese and but the only problem is... time is always not enough. There are always tonnes of dramas waiting for me... huhuhu... :/